Final Options Illinois

Contact and Contribute to Final Options Illinois

Dedicated to establishing the basic human right to aid in dying -- here in Illinois!

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updated November 26, 2016

Final Options Illinois
815-366-7942 or 224-565-1500
1055 W. Bryn Mawr #F212
Chicago IL 60660-4692
Twitter: @FinalOptionsIL
Final Options Illinois on YouTube

Illinois End of Life Options Coalition
And on Facebook

Compassion and Choices

Death With Dignity National Center

Final Exit Network

ERGO -- website of Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry

Dying With Dignity Canada

Please join and contribute to Final Options Illinois!
If you would like to see aid in dying (death with dignity) made legal in Illinois, then please join us and support our work.  To become a member, send a contribution, of any amount.  Contributions can be sent by check to our address, or you can contribute securely via Paypal by clicking the button below.  (Contributions to Final Options Illinois are tax-deductible when you itemize.)

Final Options Illinois was founded in 1986.  (Our original name was Hemlock of Illinois.)

You can reach Final Options Illinois by phone at 815-366-7942 or 224-565-1500.  Leave a message, we'll call you back.

Our email is  Send us a note to be added to our email list.

Follow us on Twitter at @FinalOptionsIL.

Our address is Final Options Illinois, 1055 W. Bryn Mawr Ave #F212, Chicago IL 60660-4692.